Firearms Instructor Insurance Program Highlights
As a certified firearms instructor, you may offer any or all of the following services…
- Basic Shooting Classes
- Gun Safety Classes
- Gun Safety Certification
- Concealed Carry Classes
- CCW Certification
- Classes on Legal Aspects
- Classes for Self-Defense
- Certification for Firearms Permits
- Certification for Taser Permit
- Certification for Pepper Spray Permit
Our specialty insurance program for registered firearms instructors (individuals and schools) offers the following coverages:
- General Liability (Occurrence Basis)
- Educators’ Professional Liability included (Occurrence Basis)
- Products/Completed Operations
- Property Entrusted
- Employment Practices Liability
- Property
- Crime
- Inland Marine
- Auto
- Umbrella
- Bonds
- Additional Insured

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To receive your quote…
- Complete the questions
- Click “Submit” when you’re done.
- You’ll get a “Thank you” screen to tell you we received it.
Phone or email Kevin Morency if you have any questions.
By taking the time to discuss your needs, Kevin can tailor an affordable business insurance solution that offers peace of mind, yet still deliver a quote quickly.

Liability Coverage may include:
- Limits up to $1 million per occurrence/$3 million aggregate)
- Professional Liability
- Premises and Completed Operations
- Employees as Additional Insureds
- Employment Practices Liability (claims-made coverage)
- Fire Legal Liability – $100,000 (higher limits available)
- Medical Expenses – $5,000
- Personal and Advertising Injury
- Newly acquired organization – 90 days
- Employee benefits (claims-made coverage)
- Property Entrustment – $100,000 or $250,000 ($1,000 deductible)
- Key Employee Replacement Expense Coverage – $100,000
Other Insurance Options and Coverage may include:
- Umbrella – limits up to $10,000,000
- Electronic media and business interruption coverage
- Crime – Employee Dishonesty
- Mobile Equipment
- Equipment and Tool Floaters
- Auto (not available in Michigan)
- License and permit bonds
- Business service bonds
- ERISA bonds
Property Coverage may include:
- Building Coverage
- Contents Coverage
- Business Income (with extra expense and 0 hour waiting)
- Equipment Breakdown on Building and Contents
- Mine Subsidence (available fro specific counties in IL and IN)
- Earthquake
- Utility Service – direct damage
- Utility Service – time element
Note: All coverages may not be available in all states.